Looking for Affordable Housing and Life-Changing Programs for People with Disabilities? We are Here to Help
Thank you for your interest in St. Coletta of Wisconsin, we currently have openings in some residential homes and day programs for adults with developmental, intellectual and other disabilities. We are happy to assist you, please contact:
St. Coletta of Wisconsin Main Office: (920) 674-4330
Our Community Fosters Independence and Personal Growth
If you are interested in beginning the process for application to any of our programs and services, please download and print the Admission Inquiries Form 2023 form on the bottom of this page.
Once we receive the completed document you can expect to hear back in one business day after receipt of your completed form.Â
Our Admissions Team meets every Tuesday. At our meeting, we discuss program openings and applicants. We will get back to you regarding team feedback within one business day of our meeting. Our admissions process can take approximately one month from the time of application.Â
Interested in a tour?
Please complete the form Interest in Services and we will connect with you additional information and tour if requested.Â
Areas of interest:
Residential Programs in Brookfield, Jefferson, Waukesha, and Illinois
Intergenerational Center/Day Programs in Brookfield & Jefferson
Day Program in Illinois (Rolling Meadows)
Vocational/Work Programs in Brookfield and Jefferson
St. Coletta works with most funding organizations in Wisconsin, however; it is best for you to connect with your care manager/broker to ensure that St. Coletta is an option.  St. Coletta also accepts most Medicaid plans and we do accept private payment for services.
Thank you for your interest in St. Coletta of Wisconsin’s Programs and Services.
If you have questions regarding Admissions, please contact:
There is a $100.00 non-refundable application fee to process your application materials. Please send payment to: St. Coletta of Wisconsin- Admissions along with your completed application to begin the assessment process.