Achieve Day Program
The purpose of the Achieve Program is to develop participants’ functional adaptive skills to the greatest extent possible so that they attain their highest level of spiritual awareness, independence, and community participation.
Achieve Program provides participants with a chance to socialize, exercise, participate in the community, have fun, and learn.
Community inclusion gives our individuals the opportunity to get out, experience and learn about their environment. It allows for persons served to contribute to their communities in positive ways and assists them in becoming valued members of society.
Are provided not only to enhance independence and assist individuals in achieving their goals, but also to provide enjoyment, entertainment, and engagement.
The goal of the Achieve program is to develop life skills to promote independence,
responsibility, and personal growth. Participants and encouraged to reach their highest level of spiritual awareness, independence, and community participation.
Case Management
Functional Assessment
Person-Centered Planning
Daily Living Skills
Safety Awareness
Personal Social Skills
Functional Academics
Health, Wellness and Nutrition
Physical Activity and Exercise
Community Inclusion