Our Homes
With a strong foundation of stability spanning over a century, St. Coletta homes are community integrated and provide a variety of living
opportunities for all ability levels, ranging from supported apartments to group homes.
With operating locations in Jefferson, Waukesha, and Northern Illinois, our service model encourages partnerships, fosters independence and provides support throughout the lifespan of the individual. St. Coletta homes operate with a professional staff and a core commitment to ensuring the person served is at the center of all planning.
St. Coletta homes offer the following features:
• Accessibility to support clients to age in place.
• Client choice within a variety of living options.
• A focus on health and wellness.
• Transportation utilizing a house vehicle and access to a centralized fleet.
• Specialized supports for persons who are aging.
• Recreational opportunities through community integrated activities such as Special Olympics, Best Buddies and other sponsored events.
• Spiritual growth opportunities.