Employee Training Practices

Each St. Coletta employee completes extensive classroom and on-the-job training over several weeks that teaches and/or reinforces the best way to provide high quality care for your loved one. Topics include: health & safety, security, our St. Coletta culture and Mission, and much more!

All classroom training is taught by our own professional employees who specialize and take pride in their course content.

On-the-job training is required and always alongside their supervisor and/or experienced employees in the home to ensure thorough understanding of all their duties and responsibilities.

Only after the employee successfully completes all training requirements, is he/she able to work independently. We provide the best and most comprehensive training and development opportunities for our employees because we understand how important high quality care is for your loved one.

Examples of Wisconsin Training

Week One

HR Orientation/Employee Handbook

Employee Benefits

Welcome History and Competency Testing Overview

Manager Orientation/OTJ Training Review

Franciscan Values/ Mission Statement

Employee On Boarding

Intro to Serv. for People with DD, Seizures, Mental Illness

Standard Precautions/Confidentiality/HAZMAT

PCW Supplement/Falls Prevention

Body Mechanics/Mechanical Lift

Client Rights: The Individual, The Family, and the Community/HIPAA

Therap Training

ISP Overview

Prevention and Detection of Abuse and Neglect

Timekeeping Training

Weeks Two & Three

Safe Work Driving

 Fire Safety

Behavior Strategies Mandt System Part One

Behavior Strategies Mandt System Part Two

Dementia Friendly Workplace Seminar

Dietary Needs/Using the Menu/Safe Swallowing

Client Finances

Autism Awareness Training

Medication Administration Part One & Two

Medication Administration Part Three – St. Coletta Specific

Week Four

Client Spec.Health Needs

CPR,First Aid, AED and Choking- Initial Course

Diabetic Training