Providing for the spiritual and religious needs of the St. Coletta community is the goal of our Mission Effectiveness department. While rooted in the Franciscan tradition of Christianity, we are ecumenical in spirit, as we strive to help each member of our community develop their own spiritual life. People in our community come from different cultures, countries, religious groups and faiths. Everyone is encouraged to deepen their faith, following their own spiritual traditions.
People with disabilities sometimes have special needs when it comes to worship. We try to help them feel fully involved and experience God for themselves. Some of them may not easily understand words, so we play on other senses using music, gesture and mime in prayers and services.
Mission Effectiveness Provides:
- Community celebrations of faith
- Bereavement support
- End of life care in conjunction with local hospice providers
- Assistance in attending church or synagogue of individual’s choice
Program highlights:
- Mission Effectiveness Week – Celebration during St. Coletta Feast Week
- Employee Recognition Dinner
- Client Recognition Gala
- Jubilee Mass for the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
- NOVA Choir
- The Franciscans – Prayer & Reflection Group